Saturday, November 11, 2006

Welcome from Donna

This is a new adventure in the writing life of Donna Lee Anderson. You can look forward to contests, previews of upcoming books and exerpts from those books I've already published. IMJUSTCURIOUS ... Internet Dating Adventures (a fiction novel) can be purchased on AMAZON.COM and PROJECT EMILY is in the process of being published. Stand by for a release date. Donna


Donna Lee Anderson said...

Here is a site you might enjoy.Donna

dikni said...

Nice...write more
can you post pictures here too?

Donna Lee Anderson said...

Yes I think I can (as soon as I figure it out).

Donna Lee Anderson said...

When next you hear from me I will be on a cruise headed for the Panama Canal. I'll try not to tell you toooo much about the fun I'm having. I'll check in again next week (the new tanner donna).

Donna Lee Anderson said...

A happy poem for the holiday-

Coffee Time

"Please give me a cup of coffee," I said, as I pulled out my paper and pen.
"I want to write some things down right now. Pardon me, what did you say again?

"Why are you asking me all these questions? Is this some kind of a joke?
"Okay I'll make a choice. Give me some Kenya with just a hint of oak.

"No I really don't care for cookies or cake, 'cause my ideas are starting to percolate.
"I take some words, let them start to warm, then adding some adverbs can do no harm.

"I brew it and steep it until it gets so strong, that when it's written it can not be wrong.
"It just pours right out and smells so fine, and you don't mind that it takes some time.

"Do I want to add some kind of flavor? Like some of the characters I like to savor?
"To spice up the coffee like I do in my book. I really don't know. Let me take a look.

"No, I think I'll just be drinking it straight and I really must get started, it's getting late.
"I have so very much to write down. I need to get busy with adjectives and noun.

"Who knew that ordering a cup of coffee would keep me from this writing of mine,
"But hey, I now have a new topic to explore. I think I'll call it Coffee Time."

By DonnaLee Anderson

Loki said...

could you close this blog since you arn't using it.

Donna Lee Anderson said...

Serial I:
Once upon a time there was a busy know the type. She had her nose into everyones business, no matter what it was. She knew that Phyllis was pregnant and was planning her 4th abortion. She knew that Henry across the street secretly drank vodka when he put out the garbage (he kept it under the back porch in an old milk box.)
She knew that the new couple on the corner were having financial trouble, and that the principal of the grade school was a cross dresser, but what she didn't know was .....
Chapter 2 can be read on Feb 20.